Jump Server — AWS
- Subnet
- IGW (Internet Gateway)
- Route table
Let see how to connect web server to database server
The web server enable the Public IP address its easily connect the machine but the database server not enable the Public IP address purpose need more security. So how to connect the Database (DB) server ?
Below the practical session
- First the create a VPC
2. Create a Subnet — 3 Subnet create
Successfully create edit the subnet setting and enable the auto assign IP address
Create a 2 subnet the same enable the auto assign IP address
Third subnet no need auto assign IP address — No Public IP address
Finally created 3 Subnets
Create a Internet Gateway
Attach the IGW to VPC
Route table configure
Edit the route table and target select IGW
Split the subnet which subnet need the internet click and save
Create a EC2 instance — 2 machine
One machine select the auto assign IP address subnet — Public IP address
Another one None of IP address — No Public address
Connect EC2 to Mobaxterm Terminal
Internet connected to web server ping google.com
How to connect without public address first login the webserver after login the DB server but now access denied. Why?
.pem file is not there in ec2 machine so moved to the Ec2 VM
Once move to .pem file now its try its connected
If check internet is working or not, the internet is not working
The concept of “JUMP SERVER” most of the organisation used this way
Thank you….