How to connect EFS?
EFS — Elastic File System
- First, launch two EC2 instances after mounting an EFS drive.
- Before creating two security groups EC-2 and EFS.
- EFS Security Group refer to the image
Inbound — NFS only allow
Outbound — All Traffic allows
4. Instance (EC-2 Machine) Security group refer to the image
Inbound — No rules added
Outbound — All Traffic, NFS
If you create an EFS system in the same VPC. Once created after going to the ec2 instance create a mounted drive
yum install amazon-efs-utils
apt-get install amazon-efs-utils
yum install nfs-utils
apt-get install nfs-common
sudo mkdir /home/ec2-user/test
After mounting a drive
sudo mount -t efs -o tls fs-032477bd1a9797b37.efs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Finally, check df -h it shows the EFS shared drive.
Another way to connect EFS
Launch the EC-2 instance before adding the shared file system
Automatically install the default software and check user-data
Finally, launch the instance after checking df -h it mounted the EFS drive.