Dockerizing Your Node.js Application

Always learning
3 min read5 days ago


Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd getting-started-app/

Sample application to dockerize. We will use a simple to-do list application available on GitHub.

buymeacoffee ☕ 👈 Click the link

Create a Dockerfile

Create a new file named Dockerfile in the root of your project directory.

touch Dockerfile

Open the Dockerfile in a text editor and add the following content:

Use an official Node runtime as a parent image
FROM node:18-alpine

Set the working directory in the container

Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app
COPY . /app

Install any needed packages specified in package.json
RUN yarn install --production

Make port 3000 available to the world outside this container

Define environment variable

Run when the container launches
CMD ['node', "src/index.js"]

Step 2: Building the Docker Image

With the Dockerfile in place, we can now build our Docker image.

docker build -t day02-todo .

Build the Docker image and tag it as day02-todo.

You can verify the image by running the docker images command:

Create a public repository on “” and push the image to remote repo.

docker login
docker tag local-image:latest username/new-reponame:tagname
docker tag day02-todo:latest ibrahimsi/test-repo:latest
docker images
docker push username/new-reponame:tagname

To pull the image to another environment , you can use below command

docker push username/new-reponame:tagname
docker push ibrahimsi/test-repo:latest

Check the docker hub

Step 3: Running the Docker Container

Pull the repository

docker pull ibrahimsi/test-repo:latest

Upto date latest image

Our Docker image, we can run it as a container.

docker run -dp 3005:3005 ibrahimsi/test-repo:latest
docker ps

This command will run the container in detached mode and map port 3005 on the host to port 3005 in the container.

Finally access the localhost:3005 → See the To Do app page

To enter(exec) into the container, use the below command

 docker exec -it 1767fe55365853ce085f6fdaee5bfb5c34e673ed4eb9e /bin/sh

Thank you 🙏 for taking the time to read our blog.



Always learning

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