Azure Wiki — DevOps

Always learning
5 min readApr 14, 2024

Azure DevOps Wiki is a documentation solution within the Azure DevOps Suite.

It can help developers address their documentation needs at various stages of their product development, such as creating specifications, writing meeting reports (or) any general information that they would like to share within the team.

buymeacoffee ☕ 👈 Click the link

Share information with your team to understand and contribute to your project.


1. Have a team project. If you don’t have one, create a project now.

2. Enable the Azure Repos service for your project.

3. Have a Git repo defined in your team project. Ideally, this repo contains at least one Markdown file, which you want to publish to your wiki. For more information, see Create a new Git repo in your project.

4. Have the permission Contribute to publish code as wiki. By default, this permission is set for members of the Contributors group.

5. Anyone who has permissions to contribute to the Git repo can add (or) edit wiki pages.

Created a new project

Create a Project Wiki

A template is a pre-created document that already has some formatting.

Created a Simple template

Click save

Show how many people visited

Monitoring and managing the security of virtual machines and other cloud computing resources within the Microsoft Azure public cloud.

You can configure custom settings there. Code contributors should be able to edit wiki pages by default. Users with stakeholder access can only read but not edit the Wiki.

Goto Setting → Wiki security

Any user or group in the repository can create a public permission set. Public permission sets can be modified (or) deleted only by the permission set owner, a superuser, a system administrator, or the repository owner.

Permission set the repository

A subpage is subordinate some other, higher page. Calling something a subpage suggests that it stands in a child-to-parent relationship to the page above it in the website’s organizational hierarchy. Add sub-page.

Save the content

The sub-page successfully added

The changing of something in order to correct or improve it.

View revision means


A repository (or) repo, is a centralized digital storage that developers use to make and manage changes to an application’s source code.

Create a new repo

Enter the repository name


Modified the name and file

The “commit” command is used to save your changes to the local repository.

Once done commit the file

A home page is the first page of a Website. Add your Homepage in your repository

Published as code wiki, you can maintain several versioned wikis to support your content needs, although it’s available only if Azure Repos is enabled. The code will publish Wiki.

The Publish code as wiki option won’t appear if your project doesn’t have a Git repo defined. Create a new Git repo, and then return and refresh this page.

Advantages of wiki

  • Share information with your team to understand and contribute to your project.
  • Wiki is a collaborative site where users can add, edit or remove content.

1. From the repository, click Repository settings.

2. Click Wiki in the settings navigation.

3. Select Public Wiki or Private Wiki from the Wiki settings page. A private Wiki is only visible to people who have permission to see it.

4. Click Save.

Created a folder & file inside a repository

Folder name: Completed the Series

File name:

Template is a pre-created document that already has some formatting.

Add the template

A sitemap is a list of pages of a web site within a domain.

XML sitemaps: Sitemaps written in a specific format designed for search engine crawlers.

HTML sitemaps: Sitemaps that look like regular pages and help users navigate the website.

The better Google can understand your site and the easier it is to crawl, the more efficiently you can rank for your target keywords and get more traffic to your site.

Create a new file


Refresh the page the order will show.


Azure DevOps Wiki serves as an excellent platform for enhancing collaboration through shared knowledge management.

By leveraging its capabilities for creating structured documentation and enabling team discussions around content, you can maintain an efficient and informed development workflow. Remember that good documentation is living documentation.

It grows and adapts just like your software does. So invest time in setting up your Azure DevOps Wiki correctly, and it will pay dividends in team productivity and project success.

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Always learning

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